Gabi Daniel Stancu

Professor / Professeur des Universités


Gabi Daniel Stancu


Laboratoire EM2C, CentraleSupélec,

gabi-daniel.stancu [at]



  • 2014 HDR (Habilitation to conduct research) in Physics, title "Laser based spectroscopic diagnostics for fundamentals and applications of reactive plasmas", University Paris-Sud, Orsay, France
  • 2004 PhD (Dr. rer. nat.) in Physics, title "Absorption spectroscopic studies of the methyl and boron monoxide radical" University Ernst-Moritz-Arndt, Greifswald, Germany, co-direction University of Cambridge, UK
  • 1999 Engineering degree in Physics, 2001 Master in Plasma Physics, University Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Iasi, Romania

Professional experience

  • 2017 - present       Professor, CentraleSupélec / University Paris-Saclay, France
  • 2010 - 2017           Associate Professor, Ecole Centrale Paris / CentraleSupélec, France
  • 2010 (6m)              Research Associate, LPGP, CNRS, University Paris-Sud, France
  • 2010 (3m)              Postdoc Researcher, LPP, CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique, France
  • 2007 - 2009           Postdoc Researcher, EM2C, CNRS, Ecole Centrale Paris, France
  • 2005 - 2006           Research Associate, INP-Greifswald / Neoplas-Control, Germany
  • 2002 - 2004           Graduate Research Assistant, INP-Greifswald, Greifswald, Germany


Research mobility

  • 2008 (1m)              Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Princeton Univ., USA
  • 2005-2006 (6 m)    Infineon-Qimonda AG, Dresden, Germany
  • 2004 (1 m)             University of Technology, Eindhoven, Netherlands
  • 2004 (1m)              LPTP, CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique, France
  • 2003 (1 m)             Departement of Chemistry, University of Cambridge, UK
  • 2002 (1 m)             LIMHP, CNRS, University Paris 13, France
  • 2000-2001 (10 m)  Erasmus fellowship, ISAS, University of Dortmund, Germany


Teaching activities

  • Heat Transfer
  • Transport Phenomena
  • Methodology of Heat Transfer
  • Laboratory classes on Optical emission spectroscopy, Thermocouple signal processing
  • Quantum and statistical physics
  • Student projects
    Innovative teaching


Research interests

  • Development of advanced laser spectroscopic diagnostics for plasmas (UV to Mid-IR spectral domain; using femtosecond to CW lasers; time- and space-resolved: CRDS, TALIF, QCLAS, DFG-LAS, TDLAS) 
  • Fundamentals of reactive plasmas: Kinetic and dynamic mechanisms
  • Nanosecond pulsed discharges, Capillary microwave discharges, HiPIMS
  • Plasma-assited combustion, Plasma biomedical applications
  • Fundamental spectroscopy: Spectroscopic properties of radicals


Research supervision

PhD students
  •  F. Kaddouri (2011), D. Rusterholtz (2012), M. Simeni Simeni (2015), A. Salmon (2018),
  • N. Minesi (2020), F. Coquery (2021), A. Gallant (to defend 2021), V. Sterie (to defend 2023)
  • M. Janda (2007-2008), J. Jarrige (2009-2010), E. Mintusov (2012),
  • S. Dap (2013), S. Lovascio (2015-2016), S. Stepanyan (2015-2018), C. Dumitrache (2018-2019)



  • Premier Prix "Impact Science" PhD thesis award of Fondation CentraleSupélec for N. Minesi, thesis co-direction: C.O. Laux and G.D. Stancu  (2021)
  • Student excellence award, "The ionization mechanism of thermal sparks", N. Minesi, P. Mariotto, G.D. Stancu, C.O. Laux, 73-rd GEC, USA (2020)
  • French ministry of research award for scientific excellence (PEDR) (2016-2020), (PES) (2011-2015)
  • Innolec lectureship in "Plasma Spectroscopic Diagnostics"  Masaryk University, CZECH REPUBLIC (2013) 
  • Best poster award “Nitric oxide detection in atmospheric pressure NRP discharges by Quantum Cascade Laser Absorption Spectroscopy”  M. Simeni Simeni, C.O. Laux, G.D. Stancu, 10-th FLTPD, P2-14, Kerkrade, NETHERLANDS (2013)


Professional activities/responsabilities

  • Deputy Director of laboratory EM2C, CNRS UPR288 (2020 - present)
  • Organizer of the international workshop "Advancements in non-equilibrium plasma laser diagnostics" ESCAMPIG, Brno, Czech Republic, 2024
  • Appointed member of Conseil National des Universités, CNU 62, (2015 - 2017)
  • Elected member of Conseil Scientifique de l'Ecole Centrale Paris     (2013 - 2015)
  • Elected member of Conseil du laboratoire EM2C, CNRS UPR 288   (2014 - 2019)
Scientific national/international expertise for:
  • Agence Nationale de la Recherche (France)
  • Association Nationale de la Recherche et Technologie (France)
  • Czech Science Foundation (Czech Republic) 
  • Research Foundation - Flanders (Belgium)
  • German Research Foundation (Germany)
Referent for scientific journals:
  • Plasma Sources Sci. Technol.
  • J. Phys. Chem.
  • Plasma Chem. Plasma Proc.
  • Eur. Phys. J. D.
  • J. Phys. D.: Appl. Phys.  
  • IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci.
  • Measurement Sci. Technol.
  • Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer
  • Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
  • Applied Physics Letters
  Member of:
  • Réseau Plasmas Froids
  • Association Francophone de Vélocimétrie Laser


Publications and Presentations

Book chapter
  • G.D. Stancu, “Laser based spectroscopic diagnostics from UV to Mid-IR applied to the study of atmospheric pressure discharges” (53 pages) contributed chapter in Spectroscopy and Spectroscopic: measurement techniques for aerospace flows, Eds. D. Giordano and Y. Babou, VKI, ISBN-13 978-2-87516-076-8, (2014)
NIST referenced paper
  • G.D. Stancu, J. Röpcke and P.B. Davies, Line Strengths and Transition Dipole Moment of the ν2 Fundamental Band of Methyl Radical, J. Chem. Phys. 122 (1) (2005) 014306
Invited conferences and lectures (speaker underlined)
  • 36. G.D. Stancu, Conventional and ultrashort laser diagnostics for fundamental studies of atmospheric pressure plasmas, (General) 26th European Conference on the Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases (ESCAMPIG), Brno, July 9-13, (2024) CZECH REPUBLIC
  • 35. G.D. Stancu, Challenges of nonlinear fluorescence induced by conventional and novel lasers for plasma diagnostics, 15th Frontiers in Low Temperature Plasma Diagnostics (15-FLTPD), Liblice, April 28- May 2, (2024) CZECH REPUBLIC
  • 34. G.D. Stancu, Specificities of plasma diagnostics using ultrashort laser induced fluorescence techniques, 5th European Conference on Plasma Diagnostics (5-ECPD), Rethymno, April 23-27, (2023) GREECE
  • 33. G.D. Stancu, Advanced diagnostics, thermal coupling and fundamental studies of atmospheric pressure discharges, 19th International Conference on Plasma Physics and Applications (19-CPPA), Magurele, August 31 - September  3, (2021) ROMANIA
  • 32. G.D. Stancu, Pecularities of high-pressure plasma diagnostics using high-intensity lasers, 15e Journées du reseau: Ecole Technologique des Plasmas Froids, Saint-Dié-des-Vosges, September 28 - October 1, (2020) FRANCE
  • 31. G.D. Stancu, C.O. Laux, C. Dumitrache, S. Stepanyan, N. Minesi, A. Gallant, F. Coquery,  Atmospheric pressure plasmas: energy, kinetic and dynamic studies by advanced laser diagnostics, 19th Laser Aided Plasma Diagnostics (19-LAPD), Whitefish, September 22-26 (2019) USA
  • 30. G.D. Stancu, Development of advanced spectroscopic diagnostics for reactive plasmas at atmospheric pressure, 34th International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (34-ICPIG & 10-ICRP), Sapporo, July 14-19 (2019) JAPAN
  • 29. G.D. Stancu, Confined and transient plasmas at atmospheric pressure: laser diagnostics, kinetic and hydrodynamic studies, 15éme Congrès de la Division Plasmas de la Société Française de Physique, Bordeaux, June 12-14, (2018) FRANCE
  • 28. A. Salmon, C.O. Laux, G.D. Stancu, Tracking NO absolute density, temperature and hydrodynamics by QCLAS and PLIF in nanosecond post-discharges (hot topic),  24th European Conference on the Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases (ESCAMPIG), Glasgow, July 17-21, (2018) UK
  • 27. G.D. Stancu, S. Stepanyan, C.O. Laux, Nonequilibrium plasma-assited combustion: advanced spectroscopic methods for fundamental studies, (Plenary) 5th Laser Ignition Conference, Bucharest, June 20-23, (2017) ROMANIA
  • 26. G.D. Stancu, Kinetic and dynamic studies of discharge-assisted combustion by advanced spectroscopic diagnostics, 2nd Workshop on Laser Ignition – Measurement and Characterization, EU H2020, LASIG TWIN, Bayreuth, November 10-11, (2016) GERMANY
  • 25. G.D. Stancu, M. Simeni Simeni, C.O. Laux, Insights of nanosecond-plasma and plasma-assisted combustion by Mid-IR QCLAS, Franco-Australian Symposium on Hypersonics and High Enthalpy Flows, Chatenay-Malabry, September 7-9, (2016) FRANCE
  • 24. C.O. Laux, G.D. Stancu, A. Salmon, D. Rusterholtz, M. Simeni Simeni, Spectroscopic measurements of nonequilibrium plasmas, 7-th International Workshop on Infrared Plasma Spectroscopy (IPS), Inuyama, June 26-29, (2016) JAPAN
  • 23. G.D. Stancu, C.O. Laux, M. Simeni Simeni, On progress of spectroscopic investigations of nanosecond pulsed discharges, IEEE MTT International Microwave Symposium, Special Session on Nanosecond Pulsed Electric Fields – from modeling to applications: biology, medicine, plasma and apparatus, WFJ-5, Phoenix, May 17-22, (2015) USA
  • 22. D. Lundin, C. Huo, J. T. Gudmundsson, G.D. Stancu, M. A. Raadu, T. Minea, N. Brenning, A new angle on the plasma discharge physics in magnetron sputtering, 42nd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, I4.310, Lisbon, June, 22—26, (2015) PORTUGAL
  • 21. C.O. Laux, D.A. Xu, D.L. Rusterholtz, G. Pilla, S. Barbosa, M. Simeni Simeni, D. Lacoste, S. Lovascio, G.D. Stancu, J. Hayashi, Plasma-Assisted Combustion: Fundamental Mechanisms and Applications, 22nd International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC), IN-04a, Antwerp, July 5-10, (2015) BELGIUM
  • 20. G.D. Stancu, Laser based spectroscopic diagnostics from UV to Mid-IR applied to the study of atmospheric pressure discharges, VKI lecture series, Rhode-Saint-Genèse, May 13-16, (2014) BELGIUM
  • 19. G.D. Stancu, Studies of plasma-assisted combustion by means of laser absorption spectroscopic techniques, Association Francophone de Vélocimétrie Laser (AFVL), CNRS - Meudon, Novembre 20, (2014) FRANCE
  • 18. G.D. Stancu, Lectures series (5) on Plasma Spectroscopic Diagnostics, Masaryk University, Brno, December 2-6, (2013) CZECH REPUBLIC
  • 17. C.O. Laux, D.A.  Lacoste, G.D. Stancu, D.L. Rusterholtz, D.A. Xu, Nanosecond Repetitively Pulsed Discharges in Plasma-Assisted Combustion, 31th International Conference on the Physics of Ionized Gases (ICPIG), Special Session on Plasma Flow Control and Combustion, 125_1, Granada, July 14-19, (2013) SPAIN
  • 16. C.O. Laux, D.L. Rusterholtz, F.P. Sainct, D.A. Xu, D. Lacoste, G.D. Stancu, Repetitively pulsed discharges in air and water vapor, 10-th Frontiers on Low Temperature Plasma Diagnostics (FLTPD), Rolduc, Kerkrade, April 28th - May 2nd, (2013) NETHERLANDS
  • 15. G.D. Stancu, Investigations of nanosecond pulsed discharges by time- and space-resolved spectroscopic diagnostics, XI Reseau Plasmas Froids du CNRS, La Rochelle, October 14-17, (2013) FRANCE
  • 14. C.O. Laux, D.A. Lacoste, D.A., Xu, D. Rusterholtz, G. Pilla, G.D. Stancu,  D.Z. Pai, S. Barbosa, D. Veynante, Review of current progress in the stabilization of lean premixed flames by nanosecond repetitively pulsed discharges, AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers – Plasma-Assisted Combustion, New Orleans, LA, June 25-28, (2012) USA
  • 13. C.O. Laux, G.D. Stancu, F. Kaddouri, D.Z. Pai, M. Janda, G. Pilla, D. Rusterholtz, D. Xu, J. Jarrige, D.A. Lacoste, Plasma-assisted combustion using Nanosecond Repetitively Pulsed Discharges, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA,  21 January (2011) USA
  • 12. N. Brenning, M. Raadu, H. Chunqing, D. Lundin, U. Helmersson, C. Vitelaru, G.D. Stancu, T. Minea, Understanding of HiPIMS through modeling and measurements, 12-th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, KN0400, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, September 15-19, (2010) GERMANY
  • 11. C.O. Laux, G.D. Stancu, D.Z. Pai, F. Kaddouri, D.A. Lacoste, Mechanisms of production of active species in nanosecond repetitively pulsed discharges in atmospheric pressure air, 24th Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology, Prague, June 14-17, (2010) CZECH REPUBLIC
  • 10. G.D. Stancu, Advanced optical diagnostics from UV to Mid IR for the characterization of reactive plasmas from low to atmospheric pressures, (seminar) Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics (VKI) Bruxelles, February 18, (2010) BELGIUM
  • 9. C.O. Laux, G.D. Stancu, F. Kaddouri, D.Z. Pai, M. Janda, G. Pilla, D. Rusterholtz, D.A. Lacoste, Kinetic Mechanism of Atomic Oxygen Production in Plasma Discharges, MURI Review Meeting, Princeton University, November 3-4, (2010) USA
  • 8. C.O. Laux, D.Z. Pai, G.D. Stancu, F. Kaddouri, M. Janda, G. Pilla, L. Caillault, D.A. Lacoste, Décharges nanosecondes répétitives pulsées (NRP) et applications en combustion assistée par plasma, Congrès Plasma de la Société Française de Physique, Bordeaux, May 10-12, (2010) FRANCE
  • 7. C.O. Laux, A. Bourdon, D.A. Lacoste, L. Caillault, G. Pilla, D.Z. Pai, S. Célestin, B. Zhégondy, F. Kaddouri, G.D. Stancu, M. Janda, G. Momem, Z. Bonaventura, P. Ségur, S. Pancheshnyi, N. Ghérardi, N. Naudé, V. Sewraj, F. Maréchal, T. D. Leonidovich, E.-T. Es Sebbar, J. Capeillère, R. Cozzolino, F. Massines, J. Paillol, D. Bessières, “Mécanismes d’Interaction Ecoulement Plasma,” Colloque ANR-Blanc, Cité des Sciences de la Villette, 24 January, (2009) FRANCE
  • 6. G.D. Stancu , F. Kaddouri, D.A. Lacoste, C.O. Laux, Advanced optical diagnostics for the characterization of kinetic processes in plasma assisted combustion, 2-nd Aerospace thematic workshop: Fundamentals of Aerodynamic Flow and Combustion Control by Plasmas, Les Houches, October 11-16, (2009) FRANCE
  • 5. G.D. Stancu, F. Kaddouri, D.A. Lacoste, C.O. Laux, Atmospheric pressure plasma diagnostics by OES, CRDS and TALIF, 8-th Frontiers on Low Temperature Plasma Diagnostics (FLTPD), Blansko, April 19-23, (2009) CZECH REPUBLIC
  • 4. G.D. Stancu, M. Janda, F. Kaddouri, D.A. Lacoste, C.O. Laux, Study of NRP discharges in atmospheric presure air used for flame stabilization by TALIF and CRDS, Ecole thématique: Stanford University - Ecole Centrale Paris, 4-5 September (2008) FRANCE
  • 3. G.D. Stancu, Studies of air nanosecond pulsed discharges by two-photon absorption laser induced fluorescence and cavity ring-down spectroscopy , Princeton University, Princeton, June 18, (2008) USA
  • 2. G.D. Stancu, N. Lang, M. Reinicke, A. Steinbach, S. Wege, S. Barth, P.B. Davies, J. Röpcke , MIR spectroscopic techniques: from basic research to industrial applications, 1-st International Workshop on Infrared Plasma Spectroscopy (IPS), Greifswald, June 14-16, (2006) GERMANY
  • 1. G.D. Stancu, J. Röpcke, P.B. Davies, Infrared absorption spectroscopic studies of the methyl and boron monoxide radical, 18-th European Conference on the Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases (ESCAMPIG), Lecce, July 12-16, (2006) ITALY


Journal articles


  • 47. V.A. Sterie, Y. Zhao, G.D. Stancu, Nitric oxide generation by microwave capillary discharges under thermal control at atmospheric pressure, Frontiers in Physics (2023) (
  • 46. N. Minesi, P. Mariotto, E. Pannier, A. Vincent-Randonnier, G.D. Stancu, C.O. Laux , Kinetic mechanism and sub-ns measurements of the thermal spark in air, Plasma Sources Science and Technology (2023) (
  • 45. F. Coquery, O. Leroy, T. Minea, G.D. Stancu, Plasma power balance: methodology and investigations of microwave capillary discharges, Plasma Sources Science and Technology (2022) (
  • 44. J. Hayashi, S. Lovascio, S. Stephanyan, T. Ombrello, G.D. Stancu, C.O. Laux, Ignition and development of flame kernel formed by nanosecond repetitively pulsed discharges in the quiescent lean premixed mixture, J. Combustion Society of Japan, 64, 208 (2022) 177-184
  • 43. N. Minesi, V. Blanchard, E Pannier, G.D. Stancu, C.O. Laux, Plasma-assited combustion with nanosecond discharges. Part I: discharge effects characterization in the burnt gases of a lean flame, Plasma Sources Science and Technology (2022) (
  • 42. C. Dumitrache, A. Gallant, N. de Oliveira, C.O. Laux, G.D. Stancu, Qunatitative fs-TALIF in high-pressure NRP discharges: calibration using VUV absorption spectroscopy, Plasma Sources Science and Technology (2021) (
  • 41. A. Salmon, G.D. Stancu, C.O. Laux, Decontamination of endospores by plasma sources on dried surfaces: A review of key parameters and inactivation results, Frontiers in Physics  9 (2021) 677961 (
  • 40. N. Minesi, P. Mariotto, E Pannier, G.D. Stancu, C.O. Laux, The role of excited electronic states in ambiant air ionization by a nanosecond discharge, Plasma Sources Science and Technology (2021) (
  • 39. N. Minesi, S. Stepanyan, P. Mariotto, G.D. Stancu, C.O. Laux, Fully ionized nanosecond discharges in air: the thermal spark, Plasma Sources Science and Technology (2020) (
  • 38. G.D. Stancu, Two-photon absorption laser induced fluorescence: rate and density matrix regimes for plasma diagnostics, Plasma Sources Science and Technology (2020) (
  • 37. C. Dumitrache, A. Gallant, N. Minesi, S. Stepanyan, G.D. Stancu, C.O. Laux, Hydrodynamic regimes induced by nanosecond pulsed discharges in air: Mechanism of vorticity generation, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. (2019) (
  • 36. S. Stepanyan, N. Minesi, A.C. Tibere-Inglesee, A. Salmon, G.D. Stancu, C.O. Laux, Spatial evolution of the plasma kernel produced by nanosecond discharges in air, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. (2019) (
  • 35. S. Lovascio, J. Hayashi, S. Stepanyan, G.D. Stancu, C.O. Laux, Cumulative effect of succesive nanosecond repetitively plused discharges on the ignition of lean mixtures, Proc. Comb. Inst. (2018) (
  • 34. A. Salmon, N. Popov, G.D. Stancu, C.O. Laux, Quenching rate of N(2P) atoms in a nitrogen afterglow at atmospheric pressure, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 51 (2018) 314001, (DOI: 10.1088/1361-6463aace71)
  • 33. M. Simeni Simeni, C.O. Laux, G.D. Stancu, High-spatial resolution measurements of NO density and temperature by Mid-IR QCLAS in open-air confined plasmas, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 50 (2017) 274004, ( 10.1088/1361-6463/aa72ca)
  • 32. S. Stepanyan, J. Hayashi, A. Salmon, G.D. Stancu, C.O. Laux, Large-volume excitation of air, argon, nitrogen and combustible mixtures by thermal jets produced by nanosecond spark discharges, Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 26 (2017) 04LT01 ( 10.1088/1361-6595/aa5a2b)
  • 31. S. Lovascio, T. Ombrello, J. Hayashi, S. Stepanyan, D. Xu, G.D. Stancu, C.O. Laux, Effects of Pulsation Frequency and Energy Deposition on Ignition Using Nanosecond Repetitively Pulsed Discharges, Proc. Comb. Inst. 36 (2017) 4079-4086 (
  • 30. G.D. Stancu, O. Leroy, P. Coche, K. Gadonna, V. Guerra, T. Minea, L.L. Alves, Microwave air plasmas in capillaries at low pressure : II. Experimental investigation, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 49, 43 (2016) 435202 (doi:10.1088/0022-3727/49/43/435202)
  • 29. C.O. Laux, D.A. Xu, D.L. Rusterholtz, G. Pilla, M. Simeni Simeni, S. Lovascio, D. Lacoste, G.D. Stancu, J. Hayashi, Plasma-assited ignit ion and flame stabilization by nanosecond repetitively pulsed discharges, Atomization Journal of ILASS-JAPAN, 24 28 (2015) 13
  • 28. G.D. Stancu, N. Brenning, C. Vitelaru, D. Lundin, T. Minea, Argon metastables in HiPIMS: validation of the ionization region model by direct comparison to time resolved tunable diode-laser diagnostics, Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 24 (2015) 045011, 21p (doi: 0.1088/0963-0252/24/4/045011)
  • 27. S. Reuter, J.S. Sousa, G.D. Stancu, J-P. H. van Helden, Review on VUV to MIR absorption spectroscopy of atmospheric pressure plasma jets, Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 24 (2015) 054001, 41p (doi: 10.1088/0963-0252/24/5/054001)
  • 26. J.T. Gudmundsson, D. Lundin, G.D. Stancu, N. Brenning, T. Minea, Are the argon metastables important in magnetron sputtering discharges? Physics of Plasmas, 22 (2015) 113508, 8p (doi: 10.1063/1.4935402)
  • 25. S. Dap, O. Leroy, J. Andrieu, C. Boisse-Laporte, P. Leprince, G.D. Stancu, T. Minea, Hydrodynamic and thermal effects of continuous microwave-sustained plasma in capillary tubes, Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 24 (2015)  065007, 11p (doi: 10.1088/0963-0252/24/6/065007)
  • 24. D.L. Rusterholtz, D.A. Lacoste, G.D. Stancu, D.Z. Pai, C.O. Laux, Ultrafast heating and oxygen dissociation in atmospheric pressure air by nanosecond repetitively pulsed discharges, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 46 (2013) 464010, 21p ( doi:10.1088/0022-3727/46/46/464010)
  • 23. N. Brenning, C. Huo, D. Lundin, M.A. Raadu, C. Vitelaru, G.D. Stancu, T. Minea, U. Helmersson, Understanding deposition rate loss in high power impulse magnetron sputtering: I. Ionization-driven electric fields, Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 21, (2) (2012) 025005, 9p (doi 10.1088/0963-0252/21/2/025005)
  • 22. C. Vitelaru, D. Lundin, G.D. Stancu, N. Brenning, J. Bretagne, T. Minea, Argon metastables in HiPIMS: time-resolved tunable diode-laser diagnostics,   Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 21 (2) (2012) 025010, 11p (doi: 10.1088/0963-0252/21/2/025010)
  • 21. F. Tholin, D.L. Rusterholtz, D.A. Lacoste, D.Z. Pai, S. Celestin, J. Jarrige, A. Bourdon, G.D. Stancu, C.O. Laux, Images of a Nanosecond Repetitively Pulsed Glow Discharge Between Two Point Electrodes in Air at 300 K and at Atmospheric Pressure, IEEE Transaction on Plasma Science, 39 (11), (2011) 2254-2255, (doi: 10.1109/TPS.2011.2158855)
  • 20. D.A. Xu, D.A. Lacoste, D.L. Rusterholtz, P.Q. Elias, G.D. Stancu, C.O. Laux, Experimental study of the hydrodynamic expansion following a nanosecond repetitively pulsed discharge in air, Applied Physics Letters, 99, (12) (2011) 121502,  3p (doi: 10.1063/1.3641413)
  • 19. A.M. Pointu, G.D. Stancu, N 2 ( A ) As the sources of excited species of N2, N, and O in a flowing afterglow of N2/NO mixture at atmospheric pressure, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 20 (2011) 025005, 11p (doi : 10.1088/0963-0252/20/2/025005)
  • 18. G.D. Stancu, F. Kaddouri, D.A. Lacoste, C.O. Laux, Atmospheric pressure plasma diagnostics by OES, CRDS and TALIF, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 43 (2010) 124002, 11p ( doi: 10.1088/0022-3727/43/12/124002)
  • 17. G.D. Stancu, M. Janda, F. Kaddouri, D.A. Lacoste, C.O. Laux, Time-resolved CRDS measurements of the N2(A3 S + u ) density produced by nanosecond discharges in atmospheric pressure nitrogen and air, J. Phys. Chem. A, 114, (1) (2010) 201-208 (doi: 10.1021/jp9075383)
  • 16. D.Z. Pai, G.D. Stancu, D.A. Lacoste, C.O. Laux, Nanosecond Repetitively Pulsed Discharges in Air at Atmospheric Pressure –The Glow Regime, Plasma Sources Sci. and Technol., 18, (4) (2009) 045030, 8p (doi : 10.1088/0963-0252/18/4/045030)
  • 15. F. Kaddouri, G.D. Stancu, D.A. Lacoste, C.O. Laux, Investigation of atmospheric pressure nitrogen plasma by cavity ring-down spectroscopy, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 157, 012005, (2009) (doi:10.1088/1742-6596/157/1/012005) 
  • 14. G.D. Stancu, J. Röpcke, P.B. Davies, Measurements of the Transition Dipole Moment of the First Hot Band of the ν2 Mode of the Methyl Radical by Diode Laser Spectroscopy, J. Phys. Chem. A, 112 (2008), 6285-6288 (doi: 10.1021/jp8012927)
  • 13. F. Thevenet, O. Guaitella, C. Guillard, E. Puzenat, G.D. Stancu, J. Röpcke, A. Rousseau, Comparison of the Plasma-Photocatalyst Synergy at Low and Atmospheric Pressure, International Journal of Plasma Environmental Sci. and Technol., 1  (2007) 52-56 
  • 12. J.H. van Helden, W. Wagemans, G. Yagci, R.A.B. Zijlmans, D.C. Schram, R. Engeln, G. Lombardi, G.D. Stancu, J. Röpcke, Detailed study of the plasma activated catalytic generation of ammonia in N2-H2 plasmas, J. Appl. Phys, 101 (2007) 043305, 12p (doi : 10.1063/1.2645828
  • 11. G.D. Stancu, N. Lang, J. Röpcke, M. Reinike, A. Steinbach, S. Wege, In situ monitoring of silicon plasma etching using a quantum cascade laser arrangement, Chemical Vapor Deposition, 13 (2007) 351-360 ( DOI: 10.1002/cvde.200606584)
  • 10. J. Hirmke, A. Glaser, F. Hempel, G.D. Stancu, J.Röpcke, S.M. Rosiwal, R.F. Singer, Improved flow conditions in diamond hot filament CVD – promising deposition results and gas phase characterisation by laser absorption spectroscopy, Vacuum, 81 (5) (2007) 619-626,  (doi:10.1016/j.vacuum.2006.08.004)
  • 9. J. Hirmke, F. Hempel, G.D. Stancu, J. Röpcke, S.M. Rosiwal, R.F. Singer, Gas phase characterization in diamond Hot-Filament CVD by tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy, Vacuum, 80 (9) (2006) 967-976, (doi:10.1016/j.vacuum.2005.12.009)
  • 8. A. Rousseau, L.V. Gatilova, O. Guaitella, F. Thevenet, C. Guillard, J. Röpcke, G.D. Stancu, Photocatalyst activation in a pulsed low pressure discharge, Appl. Phys. Lett. 87 (22) (2005) 221501, 3p (doi : 10.1063/1.2136415)
  • 7. G.D. Stancu, A.V. Pipa, G. Lombardi, P.B. Davies, A. Gicquel, B.P. Lavrov, and   J. Röpcke, On Reaction Kinetics of Chemically Active, Molecular Microwave Plasmas , Contrib. Plasma Phys. 45 No.5-6 (2005) 358-368 (doi : 10.1002/ctpp.200510041)
  • 6. G. Lombardi, K. Hassouni, G.D. Stancu, L. Mechold, J. Röpcke and A. Gicquel, Modeling of microwave discharge of H2 admixed with CH4 for diamond deposition, J. Appl. Phys. 98 (5) (2005) 053303, 12 p (doi : 10.1063/1.2034646)
  • 5. G. Lombardi, K. Hassouni, G.D. Stancu, L. Mechold, J. Röpcke and A. Gicquel, Study of an H2/CH4 Moderate Pressure Microwave Plasma Used for Diamond Deposition: Modelling and IR Tuneable Diode Laser Diagnostic, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 14 (2005) 440 -450 (doi : /10.1088/0963-0252/14/3/005)
  • 4. G.D. Stancu, J. Röpcke and P.B. Davies, Line Strengths and Transition Dipole Moment of the ν2 Fundamental Band of Methyl Radical, J. Chem. Phys. 122 (1) (2005) 014306, 11p ( doi: 10.1063/1.1812755)
  • 3. G.D. Stancu, J. Röpcke and P.B. Davies, Diode laser spectroscopy of 10B16O and 11B16O boron monoxide (X2 S + ), J. Mol. Spectrosc. 223(2) (2004) 181-184 (doi:10.1016/j.jms.2003.11.002)
  • 2. G. Lombardi, G.D. Stancu, F. Hempel, A. Gicquel and J. Röpcke, Quantitative detection of methyl radicals in non-equilibrium plasmas: a comparative study, Plasma Sources Sci. and Technol. 13 (2004) 27-38 ( doi: 10.1088/0963-0252/13/1/004)
  • 1. J. Franzke, D.G. Stancu and K. Niemax, Me asurements of sulfur compounds in CO2 by diode laser atomic absorption spectrometry, Spectrochimica Acta B, 58 (2003) 1359-1366 (doi:10.1016/S0584-8547(03)00056-9)


International conferences: oral presentations, posters, proceedings

  • 84. S. Stepanyan, J. Hayashi, S. Lovascio, G.D. Stancu, C.O. Laux, Hydrodynamic effects induced by nanosecond sparks in air and air/fuel mixtures, 55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition, PDL-11, (5p) Grapevine, Texas, 9-13 January (2017) USA
  • 83. A. Salmon, G.D. Stancu, C.O. Laux, Characterization of RONS produced by pulsed atmospheric pressure plasma sources in air and nitrogen, 6-th International Conference on Plasma Medicine, P1-68-9, Bratislava, 4-9 September (2016), SLOVAKIA
  • 82. T. Ombrello, S. Lovascio, J. Hayashi, S. Stepanyan, D. Xu, G.D. Stancu, C.O. Laux, Effects of Pulsation Frequency and Energy Deposition on Ignition Using Nanosecond Repetitively Pulsed Discharges, 36-th International Symposium on combustion, 5J12, (8p), Seoul, July 31-August 5, (2016) KOREA
  • 81. A. Salmon, M. Cirisan, G.D. Stancu, C.O. Laux, Nitric oxide production rate of pulsed nanosecond and microsecond discharges in atmospheric pressure air, 23-rd ESCAMPIG, P03-05-06, (2p)  Bratislava, 12-16 July (2016), SLOVAKIA
  • 80. S. Stepanyan, J. Hayashi, S. Lovascio, G.D. Stancu, C.O. Laux, Hydrodynamic effects induced by nanosecond sparks in air, 23-rd ESCAMPIG, Bratislava, P03-11-01, (2p) 12-16 July (2016), SLOVAKIA
  • 79. P. Coche, L.L. Alves, V. Guerra, K. Gadonna, G.D. Stancu, O. Leroy, and T. Minea, Study of microwave micro-plasmas in air, 20th International Colloquium on Plasma Processes, 82, Saint-Etiene, June, 1-5 (2015) FRANCE
  • 78. A. Salmon, G.D. Stancu, and C.O. Laux, Spatial characterization of N(4S) and N(2P) in the afterglow of a pulsed nitrogen discharge at atmospheric pressure using optical emission spectroscopy, 11-th FLTPD, Porquerolles,  24-27 May (2015) FRANCE
  • 77.  P Coche, V. Guerra, K. Gadonna, G.D. Stancu, O. Leroy, T. Minea, L.L. Alves, Microwave micro-plasmas in air: simulations and experiment, 42nd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics O3J108, (2015) PORTUGAL
  • 76. A. Salmon, G.D. Stancu, and C.O. Laux,  Measurement of N(4S) and N(2P) by optical emission spectroscopy using two calibration methods, 22nd International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, O93, (4p), Antwerp, July 5-10, (2015) BELGIUM
  • 75. P. Coche, L.L. Alves, V. Guerra, K. Gadonna, G.D. Stancu, O. Leroy, T. Minea, Numerical and experimental analysis of microwave micro-plasmas in air, Iasi, 32nd ICPIG, P439, (4p) July, 26-31, (2015) ROMANIA
  • 74. M. Simeni Simeni,  G.D. Stancu, C.O. Laux, NO density and gas temperature measurements in atmospheric pressure nanosecond repetitively pulsed (NRP) discharges by Mid-IR QCLAS, 67th Gaseous Electronics Conference, vol.59, 16, PR300006, North Carolina, 2-7 November, (2014) USA
  • 73. O. Leroy, G.D. Stancu, L.L. Alves, V. Guerra, P Coche, P. Leprince, T. Minea, Air micro-plasmas generated by surface-waves in capillary tubes: spectroscopic diagnostics and kinetic modeling, 22-nd ESCAMPIG, ID779, (2p)   Greifswald, 15-19 July, (2014) GERMANY
  • 72. S. Dap , G.D. Stancu, O. Leroy, C. Boisse-Laporte, P. Leprince, C.O. Laux, T. Minea, Micro-plasmas continuously sustained in capillary tubes: Development, characterization and optimization for chemical species production under microfluidic flows, 19-th ICV, Paris, 9-13 September, (2013) FRANCE
  • 71. G.D. Stancu, M. Simeni Simeni, C.O. Laux, Study of nitric oxide and carbon monoxide production in plasma assisted combustion by Quantum Cascade Laser Absorption Spectroscopy, 21-st ISPC, Cairns, August 4-9, (2013) AUSTRALIA
  • 70. S. Dap , G.D. Stancu, O. Leroy, C. Boisse-Laporte, P. Leprince, T. Minea, Diagnostics of micro-plasmas generated by surface wave in capillary tubes, experiments and modeling of the plasma and the gas flow, 31-st ICPIG, Granada, July 14-19, (2013) SPAIN
  • 69. G.D. Stancu, M. Simeni Simeni, C.O. Laux, Investigations by Mid-IR QCLAS of pollutant emissions in High temperature exhaust gases released from plasma-assisted combustion, 31-st ICPIG, Granada, July 14-19, (2013) SPAIN
  • 68. C.O. Laux, D.A. Lacoste, G.D. Stancu, D. Rusterholtz, D.A. Xu , Nanosecond Repetitively Pulsed Discharges in Plasma-Assisted Combustion, 31-st ICPIG, Granada, July 14-19, (2013) SPAIN
  • 67. M. Simeni Simeni, G.D. Stancu , C.O. Laux, Nitric oxide detection in atmospheric pressure NRP discharges by Quantum Cascade Laser Absorption Spectroscopy, 10-th FLTPD, P2-14, Rolduc, Kerkrade, April 28th - May 2nd (2013), NETHERLANDS
  • 66. D. Lundin, N. Brenning, C. Huo, G.D. Stancu, C. Vitelaru, T. Minea, Progress in HiPIMS modeling, 13th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, KN1500, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, September 10 - 14, (2012), GERMANY
  • 65. G.D. Stancu, D.A. Lacoste, C.O. Laux, Investigations of carbon monoxide emission in methane flames stabilized by nanosecond pulsed discharges using Mid-IR QCLAS, 21-st ESCAMPIG, Viana do Castelo, 10-14 July (2012), PORTUGAL
  • 64. D.L. Rusterholtz, D.Z. Pai, G.D. Stancu, D.A. Lacoste, C.O. Laux, Ultrafast heating in nanosecond discharges in atmospheric pressure air, 50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences meeting and Exhibit, Nashville, TN, 10.2514/6.2012-509, 9-12 Jan. 2012, USA
  • 63.  G.D. Stancu, D.A. Lacoste, C.O. Laux, Studies of carbon monoxide emission using Mid-IR QCLAS in méthane flames stabilized by nanosecond pulsed discharges, 5-th International Workshop on Plasma Spectroscopy, Giens, 13-16 May (2012) FRANCE
  • 62. D.L. Rusterholtz, D.Z. Pai, G.D. Stancu, D.A. Lacoste, C.O. Laux, Dissociative quenching and ultrafast heating following nanosecond repetitively pulsed discharges in air, 1A-4, 39-th IEEE ICOPS , Edinburgh, 8-12 July (2012) UK
  • 61. E. Mintusov, S. Pendleton, G.D. Stancu, D. Lacoste, C. Laux, N. Popov, S. Starikovskaia, Kinetics of fast gas heating and N2(A) measurements, 20th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, Philadelphia, 24-29 July (2011) USA
  • 60. D. L. Rusterholtz, D. Xu, G.D. Stancu, D. A. Lacoste, C. O. Laux, Ultrafast Heating in Nanosecond Repetitively Pulsed Discharges in Air at Atmospheric Pressure: Temperature and Absolute Density Measurements, C10-147, Belfast, 28th August - 2nd September, (2011) UK
  • 59. G.D. Stancu, J. Jarrige, D.A. Lacoste, C.O. Laux, Detection of carbon monoxide by Mid-IR QCLAS in a plasma-assisted combustion environment, 9th FLTPD, p 86 Zinnowitz, 9-12 May (2011) GERMANY
  • 58. D.A. Lacoste, D.L. Rusterholtz,, J. Jarrige, B. Tarabova, Z. Silpoldova, M. Pelach, Z. Machala, M. Janda, D.Z. Pai, G.D. Stancu, C. O. Laux, Biocidal effects of nanosecond repetitively pulsed discharges, NATO workshop: Plasma for bio-decontamination, medicine and food security, 15-18 March (2011) SLOVAKIA
  • 57. C.O. Laux, G.D. Stancu, F. Kaddouri, D.Z. Pai, M. Janda, G. Pilla, D. Rusterholtz, D. Xu, J. Jarrige, D.A. Lacoste, Plasma-assisted combustion using Nanosecond Repetitively Pulsed Discharges, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA,  21 January (2011) USA
  • 56. D. Lundin, N. Brenning , M. Raadu, H. Chunqing, C. Vitelaru, G.D. Stancu, T.M. Minea, Understanding deposition rate loss in high power impulse magnetron sputtering, Society of Vacuum Coaters, TechCon, HP-10, Chicago (2011) USA
  • 55. E. Mintoussov, D. Lacoste, S.J. Pendleton, G.D. Stancu, C.O. Laux, N. Popov, S. Starikovskaia, Gas temperature and N2(A) density measurements in the afterglow of pulsed nanosecond discharge, 63rd Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, TF1 00007, Paris (2010) FRANCE
  • 54. C.O. Laux, G.D. Stancu, F. Kaddouri, D. Pai, G. Pilla, D. Lacoste, Mechanism of flame stabilization by Nanosecond Repetitively Pulsed Discharges, 63rd Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, PR3 00002, Paris (2010) FRANCE
  • 53. J. Jarrige, D.L. Rusterholtz, G.D. Stancu, D.A. Lacoste, C.O. Laux, Characterisation of Nanosecond Repetitively pulsed Discahrges by Infrared Laser Absorption Spectroscopy, 63rd Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, DTP 00171, Paris (2010) FRANCE
  • 52. F. Kaddouri, D.Z. Pai, G.D. Stancu, D.A. Lacoste, C.O. Laux, Temperature and energy evolution of nanosecond repetitively pulsed discharges in air at atmospheric pressure , 63rd Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, CTP 00223, Paris (2010) FRANCE
  • 51. G.D. Stancu, N. Brenning, M.A. Raadu, C. Vitelaru, D. Lundin, J. Bretagne, U. Helmersson, T.M. Minea, To better understand the measured HiPIMS time dependency of Argon metastable, 1-st International conference on HIPIMS, Sheffield (2010) UK
  • 50. C. Vitelaru, D. Lundin, G.D. Stancu, N. Brenning, J. Bretagne, U. Helmersson, T.M. Minea, Time resolved tunable diode laser diagnostic of Argon metastable in HIPIMS, Magnetron, Ion processing & Arc Technologies European Conference, P-3.4, Metz (2010) FRANCE
  • 49. D.Z. Pai, G.D. Stancu, F. Kaddouri, D.A. Lacoste, C.O. Laux, Ultra fast heating in air at atmospheric pressure for nanotechnology applications, 3-rd IC-PLANTS, Nagoya (2010) JAPAN
  • 48. F. Kaddouri, G.D. Stancu, D.Z. Pai, D.A. Lacoste, C.O. Laux, Energy release and fast heating process in nanosecond repetitively pulsed discharges in air at atmospheric pressure, 20-th ESCAMPIG, Novi Sad, (2010) SERBIA
  • 47. E. Mintusov, D.A. Lacoste, J.P. Pendleton, N.A. Popov, G.D. Stancu, C.O. Laux, S.M. Starikovskaia, Study of a fast gas heating: experimental approach, 20-th ESCAMPIG, Novi Sad, (2010) SERBIA
  • 46. G.D. Stancu, F. Kaddouri, D.A. Lacoste, C.O. Laux, Study of fast plasma chemistry in atmospheric pressure air discharges by emission, absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy, 19-th ISPC, Bochum, O2.8, Book of abstracts p 91, (2009) GERMANY
  • 45. F. Kaddouri, G.D. Stancu, D.A. Lacoste, C.O. Laux, Investigation of atmospheric air pressure plasma by two-photon absorption laser induced fluorescence, 29-th ICPIG, Cancun, PA6-13 (2009) MEXICO
  • 44. G.D. Stancu, F. Kaddouri, D.A. Lacoste, C.O. Laux, Investigations of the rapid plasma chemistry induced by nanosecond discharges in atmospheric pressure air using advanced optical diagnostics, AIAA, 40th Plasmadynmics and Lasers Conference, San Antonio TX, 10.2514/6.2009-3593, (2009) USA
  • 43. M. Janda, G.D. Stancu, T. Spence, C. Harb, F. Kaddouri, D. Pai, D.A. Lacoste, C.O. Laux Measurements of N2(A) in Repetitively Pulsed Nanosecond Discharges by Pulsed Cavity Ringdown Spectroscopy. 17th International Conference on Gas Discharges and their Applications (GD) Cardiff, p 349-352 (2008) UK
  • 42. M. Janda, Z. Machala, G.D. Stancu, T. Spence, C. Harb, F. Kaddouri, D. Pai, D. Lacoste, C.O. Laux , Transient spark discharge in air at atmospheric pressure, in 17th International Conference on Gas Discharges and their Applications (GD), Cardiff, p 358-388 (2008) UK
  • 41. F. Kaddouri, G.D. Stancu, D.A. Lacoste, C.O. Laux, Investigation of atmospheric pressure nitrogen plasmas by cavity ring down spectroscopy, 3rd International Workshop on Infrared Plasma Spectroscopy (IPS) Greifswald, (2008) GERMANY
  • 40. M. Janda, Z. Machala, G.D. Stancu,   D. Pai, D.A. Lacoste, C.O. Laux , Transient spark discharge in air, 11th HAKONE, Oleron Island, p 85-89 (2008) FRANCE
  • 39. G.D. Stancu, M. Janda, F. Kaddouri, D.A. Lacoste, T. Spence, C. Harb, C.O. Laux, Study of nanosecond repetitively pulsed discharges in atmospheric air or nitrogen by advanced laser diagnostics techniques, 19th Europhysics Conference on the Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases (ESCAMPIG), Granada, (2008) SPAIN
  • 38. G.D. Stancu, M. Janda, F. Kaddouri, D. Pai, D.A. Lacoste, J.C. Rolon, and C.O. Laux, Two photon absorption laser induced fluorescence study of repetitively pulsed nanosecond discharges in atmospheric pressure air, AIAA, 39th Plasmadynmics and Lasers Conference, Seattle, 10.2514/6.2008-3882 , (2008) USA
  • 37. D. Pai, D.A. Lacoste, G.D. Stancu, C.O. Laux, Parametric studies of discharges in atmospheric pressure air at 400-1000K generated by nanosecond pulses repetitively applied at 30 kHz, 2nd European Conference for Aero-Space Sciences (EUCASS), Brussels (2007) BELGIUM
  • 36. G.D. Stancu, M. Janda, D. Pai, D.A. Lacoste and C.O. Laux, Laser-based diagnostics of repetitively pulsed nanosecond discharges in atmospheric pressure air, 7-th Cavity Ringdown Spectroscopy User Meeting, Greifswald, Book of abstracts, 43 (2007) GERMANY
  • 35. G.D. Stancu, N. Lang, J. Röpcke, M. Reinicke, A. Steinbach, S. Wege, In situ monitoring of silicon plasma etching using a quantum cascade laser arrangement, International Conference on Field Laser Applications in Industry and Research, Florence, (2007) ITALY
  • 34. D. Pai, D.A. Lacoste, G.D. Stancu, C.O. Laux, Characterisation of discharges in atmospheric pressure air at 300-1000 K generated by nanosecond pulses repetitively applied at 2-30 kHz, XVIII-th ICPIG, Prague, Conf. Proc. p. 1146-1149 (2007) CZECH REPUBLIC
  • 33. G.D. Stancu, J. Röpcke, P.B. Davies, Infrared absorption spectroscopic studies of methyl and boron monoxide radicals, 18-th ESCAMPIG, Lecce, Conf. Proc. p. 47-50 (ISBN 2-914771-38-X), (2006) ITALY
  • 32. A. Rousseau, O. Guaitella, L. Gatilova, F. Thevenet, C. Guillard, G. Stancu, J. Röpcke, Infrared diagnostics for understanding of VOCs removal by plasma-catalyst coupling, 18-th ESCAMPIG, Lecce, Conf. Proc. p. 43-46 (ISBN 2-914771-38-X), (2006) ITALY
  • 31. J.H. van Helden, O. Gabriel, R. Zijlmans, S. Welzel, G. Lombardi, G.D. Stancu, J. Röpcke, D.C. Schram, R. Engeln, Study of the Molecule Formation and Surface Coverage of the Reactor Wall in Ar/N2/O2 Plasmas, 18-th ESCAMPIG, Lecce, Conf. Proc. p. 459-460 (ISBN 2-914771-38-X), (2006) ITALY
  • 30. J. Röpcke, S. Glitch, F. Hempel, M. Hübner, N. Lang, U. Macherius, S. Sass, G.D. Stancu, F. Weichbrodt, K.-D. Weltmann, S. Welzel, H. Zimmermann, Plasma Process Monitoring and Trace Gas Detection by Quantum Cascade Laser Absorption Spectroscopy, 5-th Konferentz über Optishe Analysenmesstechnik in Industrie und Umwelt, VDI-Berichte 1959, Conf. Proc. p. 279 – 289, Mannheim, (2006) GERMANY
  • 29. S. Glitch, F. Hempel, M. Hübner, N. Lang, U. Macherius, H. Pridöhl, J. Röpcke S. Sass, G.D. Stancu, K.-D. Weltmann, S. Welzel, H. Zimmermann, On the Application of Infrared Quantum Cascade Laser Absorption Spectroscopy for Plasma Process and Trace Gas Monitoring, 1-st International Workshop on Infrared Plasma Spectroscopy, Greifswald, (2006) GERMANY
  • 28. O. Guaitella, F. Thenevet, G.D. Stancu, J. Röpcke, A Rousseau, Time resolved measurement of the C2H2 decay in a single plasma pulse: influence of a porous semiconductor surface, 1-st International Workshop on Infrared Plasma Spectroscopy, Greifswald, (2006) GERMANY
  • 27. J. Röpcke, S. Glitch, F. Hempel, M. Hübner, N. Lang, U. Macherius, S. Sass, G.D. Stancu, F. Weichbrot, K.-D. Weltmann, H. Zimmermann, K.–D. Schultz, Q-MACS, A Compact Quantum Cascade Laser Absorption Spectroscopy System for Plasma Diagnostics, 12-th International Symposium on Laser Aided Plasma Diagnostics, Snowbird Utah, session IV A, (2005) USA
  • 26. O. Guaitella, L. Gatilova, C. Guillard, G.D. Stancu, F. Thenevet, J. Röpcke, A Rousseau, Plasma-photocatalysis synergy in a pulsed low pressure discharge, 15-th International Colloquium on Plasma Processes, Grenoble, (2005) FRANCE
  • 25. O. Guaitella, L. Gatilova, C. Guillard, G.D. Stancu,  F. Thenevet, J. Röpcke, A Rousseau, Infrared laser diagnostic of the plasma-photocatalyst interaction in a pulsed low pressure discharge, 58-th Annual GEC, Bulletin of the American Phys. Soc.,  San Jose, (2005) USA
  • 24. O. Guaitella, L. Gatilova, G.D. Stancu, C. Guillard, F. Thenevet, J. Röpcke, A Rousseau, Evidence for plasma and TiO2 synergy, 17-th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, Toronto, p. 685-686, (2005) CANADA
  • 23. J. Hirmke, F. Hempel, G.D. Stancu, S. Schwarz, J. Röpcke, S. Rosiwal, Diamond volume crystal growth in HF-CVD and monitoring gas phase with laser absorption spectroscopy, 4-th Nanodiamond and Related Materials jointly with 6-th Diamond and Related Films, Zakopane, (2005) POLAND
  • 22. O. Gabriel, S. Welzel, R.A.B. Zijlmans, G. Lombardi, G.D. Stancu, R. Engel, D.C. Schram, J. Röpcke, Studies of kinetic processes in H2-N2-O2 plasmas by IR-TDLAS, 5-th International Conference on Tunable Diode Laser Spectroscopy, Florence, B19, (2005) ITALY
  • 21. R.A.B. Zijlmans, O. Gabriel, S. Welzel, G.D. Stancu, F. Hempel, J. Röpcke, R. Engeln, D.C. Schram, A different view on molecule formation in a CH4 containing microwave plasma, XVII-th ICPIG, Eindhoven, p. 10-387, (2005) NETHERLANDS
  • 20. O. Guaitella, L. Gatilova, G.D. Stancu, C. Guillard, F. Thenevet, J. Röpcke, A Rousseau, Dynamic of interaction between a pulsed plasma and a porous semiconductor surface, XVII-th ICPIG, Eindhoven, p. 18-408, (2005) NETHERLANDS
  • 19. S. Glitsch, F. Hempel, N. Lang, U. Macherius, J.Röpcke, S. Saß, G.D. Stancu, K.-D. Weltmann, H. Zimmermann, Q-MACS – a new diagnostic tool for on-line process monitoring in plasma technology, 12-th Bundesdeutsche Fachtagung Plasmatechnologie, Braunschweig, p. 68, (2005) GERMANY
  • 18. R.A.B. Zijlmans, G. Lombardi, G.D. Stancu, J. Röpcke, J. Sampaio, R. Engeln and D.C. Schram, NH3 destruction and NO formation in a recombining N2 / H2 plasma as a result of adding O2, 17-th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, Toronto, p. 859-860, (2005) CANADA
  • 17. G.D. Stancu, P.B. Davies, J. Röpcke, Line strengths of the methyl radical n 2 band for plasma chemistry and astrophysical applications, 17-th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, Toronto, p. 115-116, (2005) CANADA
  • 16. J.H. van Helden, G. Lombardi, R. Zijlmans, G.D. Stancu, J. Röpcke, D.C. Schram and R. Engeln, Study of the formation of molecules in N and O containing plasmas, 17-th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, Toronto, p. 44, (2005) CANADA
  • 15. G.D. Stancu, P.B. Davies, J. Röpcke, Band strengths and transition dipole moments of the n 2 and n 3 fundamental bands of the methyl radical, Frontiers in Low Temperature Plasma Diagnostics VI, Les Houcches, p. 58, (2005) FRANCE
  • 14. O. Guaitella, L. Gatilova, G.D. Stancu, C. Guillard, F. Thenevet, J. Röpcke, A Rousseau, IR time resolved measurements: Plasma/ TiO2 synergy for VOC removal, Frontiers in Low Temperature Plasma Diagnostics VI, Les Houcches, p. 85, (2005) FRANCE
  • 13. R.A.B. Zijlmans, G. Lombardi , G.D. Stancu, J.Sampaio, J. Röpcke, R. Engeln, D.C. Schram, Tuneable Diode Laser Absorption and Mass Spectrometry on the Effect of H2 on the Formation of NO in a N2 / O2 Expanding Thermal Plasma, Frontiers in Low Temperature Plasma Diagnostics VI, Les Houcches, p. 76, (2005) FRANCE
  • 12. G.D. Stancu, J. Röpcke and P.B. Davies, On the Spectroscopic Properties of the n 2 Band of the Methyl Radical, DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Kiel, (2004) GERMANY
  • 11. G.D. Stancu, P. B. Davies and J. Röpcke, New Determination of the M ethyl Radical Line Strength using a Pulsed Microwave Discharge, 56-th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, San Francisco, SRP .003, (2003) USA
  • 10. G. D. Stancu, G. Lombardi, F. Hempel, A. Gicquel and J. Röpcke, Comparative study of CH3 detection in microwave plasmas by UV and IR absorption techniques, V-th International Workshop on Microwave Discharges: Fundamentals and applications, Greifswald, p. 97, (2003) GERMANY
  • 9. J. Röpcke, P. B. Davies, F. Hempel, A. Pipa, G.D. Stancu, On recent progress in monitoring transient molecular species in microwave plasmas, V-th International Workshop on Microwave Discharges: Fundamentals and applications, Greifswald, p. 95, (2003) GERMANY
  • 8. G.D. Stancu, P.B. Davies and J.Röpcke, Determination of the Methyl Radical Line Strength using a Pulsed Microwave Plasma, Frontiers in Low Temperature Plasma Diagnostics V, Villaggio Cardigliano, Specchia (LE), Conf. Proc. p. 267- 270, (2003) ITALY
  • 7. J. Röpcke, G. Lombardi, G.D. Stancu, F. Hempel and A. Gicquel, On the Methyl radical detection in Non-Equilibrium Plasma, 4-th International Conference on Tunable Diode Laser Spectroscopy, Zermatt, p. 81, (2003) SWITZERLAND
  • 6. G.D. Stancu, P. B. Davies and J. Röpcke, New Determination of the Line Strength of the Methyl Radical using a Pulsed Discharge, Spring Conference on Plasma Physics and Short Time Scale Physics (DPG), Aachen, p. 35, (2003) GERMANY
  • 5. G. Lombardi, G.D. Stancu, F. Hempel, A. Gicquel and J. Röpcke, On the Methyl radical detection in H2-Ar Microwave plasma Containing Acetylene, Frontiers in Low Temperature Plasma Diagnostic V, Villaggio Cadigliano, Specchia, Conf. Proc. p. 148-151, (2003) ITALY
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  • 3. G.D. Stancu, J. Franzke, K. Niemax, Study of the Detection Limit of Sulfur in a DC Discharge Using Diode Laser Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy, National Physics Conference, Iasi, (2001) ROMANIA
  • 2. G.D. Stancu, J. Franzke, K. Niemax, Sulfur Selective Detector Based on Diode Laser Atomic Absorption Spectrometry for Analysis in Gaseous Stream through a DC-Plasma, XI-th Conference on Plasma Physic and Applications, Constanta, (2001) ROMANIA
  • 1. N. Dumitrascu, G.D. Stancu, G. Popa, Model and Numerical Results in Determining of Liquid-Monofilament Contact Angle, 4-th General Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, Velico Turnavo, (2000) BULGARIA