Benedetta Giulia Franzelli

Benedetta Franzelli

Expert in theoretical, experimental and numerical
characterization of nanoparticles production in spray turbulent flames (find more HERE)

Laboratoire EM2C - CNRS (UPR 288)
CentraleSupélec, Université Paris-Saclay
91192 Gif-Sur-Yvette (France)

ORCID: 0000-0002-8598-9641








My research at a glance


Previous positions and education

  • Postdoctoral Fellow
 (2013-2014):  Understanding and modeling of complex chemical-related phenomena in turbulent multi-phase reactive flows: spray and sooting flames,  at Center for Turbulence Research, Stanford University, USA.
  Collaborator: Pr. M. Ihme.
  • Postdoctoral Researcher (2011-2013):  Modeling and numerical simulation of two-phase turbulent flames, at EM2C-CNRS and Ecole Centrale Paris, Chatenay-Malabry, France.  Collaborators: Pr. B. Fiorina, Pr. N. Darabiha
  • Three-month visiting Ph.D. student
 (2010): Development of a reduced chemical description for methane/air premixed combustion,  at Imperial College London, London, Great Britain.
  Advisor: Pr. W. Jones.
  • Ph.D. in Energy and Transfer
 (2008-2011): Impact of the chemical description on Direct Numerical Simulations and
Large Eddy Simulations of turbulent combustion in industrial aero-engines; at CERFACS and Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, Toulouse, France. Advisors: Dr. B. Cuenot, Dr. E. Riber.
  • Master in numerical computation for Fluid Dynamics  (2005-2007)  at Universita` Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI), Milan, Italy.  Advisors: Pr. A. Frezzotti, Dr. L. Gibelli.
  • Mathematics Engineering 
  (2003-2005) at Universita` Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI), Milan, Italy.  Advisor:  Pr. A. Veneziani.

Commission of Trust over the last four years

2025, 2023: Member of the Scientific Commitee of the ERCOFTAC Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements (ETMM-14, ETMM-15).
2024: Chair of the committee for 2024 Bernard Lewis Fellowship of the Combustion Institute.
2023-2028: Member of the editorial board of Combustion and Flame.
Since 2024: Member of the Scientific Commitee of the International Workshop on laser-induced incandescence.
2023: Member of the Initial Review Commitee for the 40th Symposium of Combustion.
2023: Committee member for 2 PhD Fellowships of the French Section of Combustion Institute.
2023-2026: Member of the Women in Combustion Advisory Committee of the Combustion Institute.
2023-2027: Coordinator of ’Young Researcher and Gender Balance’ committee for European Cost action Cyber.
Since 2022: European/international correspondent at CNRS for EM2C laboratory.
2023-2024: Member of the Scientific Organizing Committee of the “3rd Low-Carbon Combustion Meeting” for the Joint French and British Sections of Combustion Institute, Nantes (2024).
2023: Co-organizer of the “Modeling and Simulation of Particle Formation in Turbulent Flows” workshop at 11th European Combustion Meeting ECM23, Rouen.
2024, 2022 : Co-organizer of the poster session at 6th and 7th International Sooting Flame (ISF) workshop.
2022: Committee member of 2022 Bernard Lewis Fellowship of the Combustion Institute.
Since 2019: Reviewer for Women Energy in Transition fellowship (Dalkia).
Since 2019: Co-Leader of the ’Turbulent Flames’ program of ISF workshop.
Since 2013: Referee for rang A journals (Proceedings of the Combustion Institute; Combustion and Flame; Combustion Theory and Modeling; Fuel; Flow, Turbulence and Combustion) and international conferences (Symposium of Combustion; ASME Turbo Exposition).


Invited presentations over the last three years

  • Plenary keynote presentation, Nanoparticle Flame Synthesis: when combustion is a catalyst for sustainability, 12th European Combustion Meeting, Edinburgh (2025).
  • Invited presentation, Numerical challenges for the prediction of nanoparticle production in flames, 26th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM), Daegu (2024).
  • Plenary keynote presentation, Igniting 'green' aerosol technology: how combustion knowledge can optimize metal-oxide flame synthesis, National two-day meeting of the Belgian Section of Combustion Institute, Belgium (2024)
  • Invited seminar, Towards digital twins of flame spray pyrolysis systems, Human-​centered Sensor Laboratory (ETH Zurich), Switzerland (2024).
  • Plenary keynote presentation, Characterization and modeling of soot production in turbulent flames, 14th ERCOFTAC Symposium on Turbulence Modeling and Measurements (ETMM), Barcelona (2023).
  • Invited webinar, Characterization and modeling of nanoparticles production in flames, ”40 Under 40: E- Lecture Series on Combustion” of the Belgian Section of Combustion Institute (2023).
  • Invited lecture at summer school SPP1980 for the nanoparticles spray flame synthesis, Numerical and experimental characterization of TiO2 flame synthesis, RWTH Aachen University (2022).
  • Invited presentation, Examining soot formation in metal-oxide nanoparticles flame synthesis, 6th ISF workshop, Vancouver (2022).


LES of FIRST sooting flame

Participation to research networks

GDR suies: National interdisciplinary network composed by 40 french laboratories working on soot (
ISF workshop: International Sooting Flame workshop promoting international collaborations between experimentalists and modellers working on soot from around 20 international research teams (
LII workshop: Laser Induced Incandescence workshop stimulates discussion between experts on the field, and encourage newcomers to interact with those carrying long expertise both experimentally and theoretically (
PsiNano Nanoscience Institute of Université ParisSaclay: Network of international visibility for research, training, innovation and technology transfer in the field of nanosciences and nanotechnologies (


Fellowships and honors received

  • Jean-Marie Souriau Fellowship of the French National Committee on Mechanics and of the French Association of Mechanic to support the participation to international conferences (2024).
  • Medaille de Bronze CNRS (2018).
  • ERC Starting Grant 2017: SOTUF project (2018-2023).
  • Travel grant of the French National Committee on Mechanics and of the French Association of Mechanic to support the participation of young researchers to international conferences (2016).
  • Bernard Lewis Fellowship of the Combustion Institute (2014).
  • Center for Turbulence Research (Stanford University) Postdoctoral Fellowship (2013-2014).
  • International Conference of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM) support grant (2012).
  • Prix Aerospace Valley for the applied aeronautical thesis (2012).
  • Prix L. Escande for the best thesis of the INPT (2012).
  • Zonta International Amelia Earhart Fellowship 2010 for young female talented researchers.
  • Zonta International Amelia Earhart Fellowship 2009 for young female talented researchers.
  • Marie Curie Early Stage Research Training Fellowship of the European Community (2008-2010).
Interaction flamme-spray-vortex

Publications in international journals (click here to download papers)

  1. B. Franzelli, J. Bonnety, J. Yi, Y. Ogata, A. Cuoci, C. Betrancourt. Numerical simulations of TiO2 production in a laminar coflow H2/Ar/TTIP diffusion flame: comparison with experiments and parametric sensitivity study, Proc. Combust. Ins. (2025), vol 40.  
  2. A. Maffina, M. Roussillo, P. Scouflaire, N. Darabiha, D. Veynante, S. Candel, B. Franzelli. Role of the Equivalence Ratio on Soot Formation in a Perfectly Premixed Turbulent Swirled Flame: A Combined Experimental and Large Eddy Simulations Study, Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power (2023), vol 146.  
  3. J. Yi, C. Betrancourt, N. Darabiha, B. Franzelli. Estimation of spectral absorption function range via LII measurements of flame-synthesized TiO2 nanoparticles, Appl. Phys B (2023), vol 129.  
  4. J. Yi, C. Betrancourt, N. Darabiha, B. Franzelli. Initial interpretation of Laser-induced Incandescence (LII) signals from flame-generated TiO2 particles: Towards a quantitative characterization of the flame synthesis processes, Applications in Energy and Combustion Science (2023), vol 15.  
  5. G. Guy, C. Betrancourt, B. Franzelli.  Estimation of soot absorption function via the two separated pulses laser-induced incandescence technique ,Applied Physics B (2023), vol 129.  
  6. J. Yi, C. Betrancourt, N. Darabiha, B. Franzelli. Characterization of laser-induced emission of high-purity TiO2 nanoparticles: feasibility of laser-induced incandescence, Appl. Phys B (2023), vol 129.  
  7. B. Franzelli, L. Tardelli, M. Stöhr, K.P. Geigle, P Domingo. Assessment of LES of intermittent soot production in an aero-engine model combustor using high-speed measurements, Proc. Combust. Ins. (2023), vol 39.  
  8. J.-M. Orlac’h, N. Darabiha, S. Candel, D. Veynante, B. Franzelli.  Accounting for hydrolysis in the modeling of titanium dioxide nanoparticle synthesis in laminar TiCl4-seeded flames, Comb. Flame (2022), vol. 247. 
  9. B. Franzelli, P. Scouflaire, N. Darabiha. Using in situ measurements to experimentally characterize TiO2 nanoparticle synthesis in a turbulent isopropyl alcohol flame, Materials (2021), vol. 14, 7083. 
  10. J.-M. Orlac'h, N. Darabiha, V. Giovangigli, B. Franzelli. Importance of mass and enthalpy conservation in the modeling of titania nanoparticles flame synthesis, Combust. Theory and Modelling  (2021), vol. 25, pp. 389-412.
  11. A. Bodor, A. Cuoci, T. Faravelli, B. Franzelli. A forward approach for the validation of soot sizing models using laser-induced incandescence (LII), Applied Physics B: Laser and Optics (2020), vol. 126(3), pp. 49.
  12. A. Bodor, B. Franzelli, T. Faravelli, A. Cuoci. A post processing technique to predict primary particle size of sooting flames based on a chemical discrete sectional model: Application to diluted coflow flames, Combust. Flame (2019), vol. 208, pp. 122 – 138.
  13. P. Rodrigues, O. Gicquel, B. Franzelli, N. Darabiha, R. Vicquelin. Analysis of radiative transfer in a turbulent sooting jet flame using a Monte Carlo method coupled to large eddy simulation, J. Quant. Spec. Rad. Transf. (2019), vol. 235, pp. 187 – 203.
  14. B. Franzelli, M. Roussillo, P. Scouflaire, J. Bonnety, R. Jalain, T. Dormieux, S. Candel, G. Legros, Multi-diagnostic soot measurements in a laminar diffusion flame to assess the ISF database consistencyProc. Combust. Ins. (2019), vol. 37 (4), 5411-5419.
  15. B. Franzelli, A. Vié, N. Darabiha, A three-equation model for the prediction of soot emissions in LES of gas turbines, Proc. Combust. Ins. (2019), vol. 37 (2), 1344-1363.
  16. M. Roussillo, P. Scouflaire, S. Candel, B. Franzelli,  Experimental investigation of soot production in a confined swirled flame operating under perfectly premixed rich conditions, Proc. Combust. Ins. (2019), vol. 37(1), pp. 893-901.
  17. P. Rodrigues, B. Franzelli, R. Vicquelin, O. Gicquel, N. Darabiha. Coupling an LES approach and a soot sectional model for the study of sooting turbulent non-premixed flames. Combust. Flame (2018), vol. 190, pp. 477 – 499.
  18. B. Franzelli, A. Cuoci, A. Stagni, M. Ihme, T. Faravelli, S. Candel. Numerical investigation of soot-flame-vortex interaction. Proc. Combust. Ins. (2017), vol. 36, pp. 753 – 761.
  19. P. Rodrigues, B. Franzelli, R. Vicquelin, O. Gicquel, N. Darabiha. Unsteady dynamics of PAH and soot particles in laminar counterflow diffusion flames. Proc. Combust. Ins. (2017), vol. 36, pp. 927 – 934.
  20. B. Franzelli, A. Vié, M. Boileau, B. Fiorina, N. Darabiha, Large Eddy Simulation of swirled spray flame using detailed and tabulated chemical descriptions. Flow, Turb. Combust. (2017), vol. 98, pp. 633 – 661.
  21. B. Franzelli, A. Vié, and M. Ihme. Characterizing spray flame-vortex interaction : A spray spectral diagram for extinction. Combust. Flame (2016), vol. 163, pp. 100 – 114.
  22. B. Franzelli, A. Vié, and M. Ihme. On the generalisation of the mixture fraction to a monotic mixing- describing variable for the flamelet formulation of spray flames. Combust. Theory and Modelling (2015), vol. 19(6), pp. 773 – 806.
  23. B. Franzelli, P. Scouflaire, S. Candel, Time-resolved spatial patterns and interactions of soot, PAH and OH in a turbulent diffusion flame, Proc. Combust. Ins. (2015), vol. 35(2), pp. 1921-1929.
  24. A.Vié, B. Franzelli, Y. Gao, T. Lu, H. Wang, M. Ihme, Analysis of segregation and bifurcation in turbulent spray flames: a 3D turbulent counterflow configuration, Proc. Combust. Ins. (2015), vol. 35(2), pp. 1675-1683.
  25. B. Franzelli, E. Riber, B. Cuenot, Impact of the chemical description on a LES of a lean partially premixed swirled flame, Compte Rendus Mécanique (2013), vol. 341, pp. 247-256.
  26. B. Franzelli, B. Fiorina, N. Darabiha, A tabulated chemistry method for spray combustion, Proc. Combust. Ins. (2013), vol. 34, pp. 1659-1666.
  27. B. Franzelli, E. Riber, L. Gicquel and T. Poinsot, Large-Eddy Simulation of combustion instabilities in a lean partially premixed swirled flame, Combust. Flame (2012), vol. 159, pp. 621-637.
  28. B. Franzelli, E. Riber, M. Sanjosé and T. Poinsot, A two-step chemical scheme for Large Eddy Simulation of kerosene-air flames, Combust. Flame (2010), vol.157, pp. 1364-1373.
  29. A. Frezzotti, L. Gibelli and B. Franzelli, A moment method for low speed microflows, Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics (2009), vol.21, pp. 495-509.
Soot light scattering in a diffusion flame

Peer-reviewed conferences

  • B. Franzelli, J. Bonnety, J. Yi, Y. Ogata, A. Cuoci, C. Betrancourt. Numerical simulations of TiO2 production in a laminar coflow H2/Ar/TTIP diffusion flame: comparison with experiments and parametric sensitivity study, 40th International Symposium on Combustion, Milano, Italy (2024).
  • A Maffina, M Roussillo, P Scouflaire, N Darabiha, D Veynante, S Candel, B. Franzelli. Role of the Equivalence Ratio on Soot Formation in a Perfectly Premixed Turbulent Swirled Flame: A Combined Experimental and Large Eddy Simulations Study, ASME Turbo Expo paper GT2023-104174, Boston, USA (2023).
  • B. Franzelli, L. Tardelli, M. Stöhr, K.P. Geigle, P Domingo. Assessment of LES of intermittent soot production in an aero-engine model combustor using high-speed measurements, 39th International Symposium on Combustion, Vancouver, Canada (2022).
  • L. Pereira Tardelli, N. Darabiha, D. Veynante, B. Franzelli,  Validating soot models in LES of turbulent flames: the contribution of soot subgrid intermittency model to the prediction of soot production in an aero-engine model combustor, ASME Turbo Expo paper GT2021-60296, Virtual meeting (2021).
  • L. Pereira Tardelli, B. Franzelli, P. Rodrigues, N. Darabiha, Impact of the reaction mechanism model on soot growth and oxidation in laminar and turbulent flames, ASME Turbo Expo paper GT2019-90873, Phoenix, USA (2019).
  • B. Franzelli, M. Roussillo, P. Scouflaire, J. Bonnety, R. Jalain, T. Dormieux, S. Candel, G. Legros, Multi-diagnostic soot measurements in a laminar diffusion flame to assess the ISF database consistency,  37th International Symposium on Combustion, Dublin, Ireland (2018).
  • M. Roussillo, P. Scouflaire, S. Candel, B. Franzelli,  Experimental investigation of soot production in a confined swirled flame operating under perfectly premixed rich conditions, 37th International Symposium on Combustion, Dublin, Ireland (2018).
  • B. Franzelli, A. Vié, N. Darabiha, A three-equation model for the prediction of soot emissions in LES of gas turbines, 37th International Symposium on Combustion, Dublin, Ireland (2018).
  • M. Roussillo, P. Scouflaire, N. Darabiha, S. Candel, B. Franzelli, A new experimental database for the investigation of soot in a model scale swirled combustor under perfectly premixed conditions, ASME Turbo Expo paper GT2018-76205, Oslo, Norway (2018).
  • B. Franzelli, A. Cuoci, A. Stagni, M. Ihme, T. Faravelli, and S. Candel, Numerical investigation of soot-flame-vortex interaction, 36th International Symposium on Combustion, Seoul, Korea (2016).
  • P. Rodrigues, B. Franzelli, R. Vicquelin, O. Gicquel, and N. Darabiha, Unsteady dynamics of PAH and soot particles in laminar counteflow diffusion flames, 35th International Symposium on Combustion, Seoul, Korea (2016).
  • B. Franzelli, E. Riber, B. Cuenot, Numerical modeling of soot production in aero-engine combustors using large eddy simulations, ASME Turbo Expo paper GT2015-43630, Montreal, Canada (2015).
  • B. Franzelli, A. Vié, M. Ihme, Characterizing the regimes of spray flame-vortex interactions: a spray spectral diagram for extinction, Proceedings of the 26th ILASS conference, Bremen, Germany (2014).
  • B. Franzelli, P. Scouflaire, S. Candel, Time-resolved spatial patterns and interactions of soot, PAH and OH in a turbulent diffusion flame, 35th International Symposium on Combustion, San Francisco, USA (2014).
  • A.Vié, B. Franzelli, Y. Gao, T. Lu, H. Wang, M. Ihme, Impact of the turbulence on the spray flame structure : a 3D turbulent counterflow configuration, 35th International Symposium on Combustion, San Francisco, USA (2014).
  • B. Franzelli, A. Vié, B. Fiorina, N. Darabiha, Large Eddy Simulation of swirling kerosene/air spray flame using tabulated chemistry, ASME Turbo Expo paper GT2013-94451, San Antonio, Texas (2013).
  • B. Franzelli, B. Fiorina, N. Darabiha, Modeling the chemical structure of spray flames using tabulated chemistry method, Proceedings of the 12th ICLASS conference, Heildeberg, Germany (2012).
  •  B. Franzelli, B. Fiorina, N. Darabiha, A tabulated chemistry method for spray combustion, 34th International Symposium on Combustion, Warsaw, Poland (2012).
  • B. Franzelli, B. Fiorina, N. Darabiha, A multi-regime flamelet method for premixed and non-premixed combustion in spray flames, ICTAM conference paper FM03-014, Beijing, China (2012).
  • B. Franzelli, E. Riber, B. Cuenot, Impact of the chemical description on a LES of a lean partially premixed swirled flame, Proceedings of the 3rd INCA colloquium, Toulouse, France (2011).
  •  A. Frezzotti, L. Gibelli and B. Franzelli, A moment method for low speed microflows, 1st European Conference on Microfluidics, Bologna, Italy (2008).
LES of the MERCATO spray flame

Book chapter

  • B. Fiorina, A. Vié, B. Franzelli, N. Darabiha, M. Massot, G. Dayma, P. Dagaut, V. Moureau, L. Vervisch, A. Berlement, V. Sablinikov, E. Riber, B. Cuenot, Modeling challenges in computing aeronautical combustion chambers, AerospaceLab, vol 11 (2016).
  • B. Franzelli, A. Cuoci, A. Stagni, C. Saggese, A. Frassoldati, T. Faravelli, M. Ihme, Accounting for strain-rate effect in soot modeling of turbulent flames, Annual Research Briefs, Center for Turbulence Research, Stanford (2014).
  • B. Franzelli, A. Vié, M. Ihme, A spray-flamelet formulation using an effective composition-space variable, Annual Research Briefs, Center for Turbulence Research, Stanford (2014).
  •  B. Franzelli, A. Vié, M. Ihme, Characterizing the regimes of spray flame-vortex interactions: A spray spectral diagram for extinction, Annual Research Briefs, Center for Turbulence Research, Stanford (2014).
  •  B. Cuenot, E. Riber, B. Franzelli, Towards the prediction of soot in aero-engine combustors with large eddy simulation, Annual Research Briefs, Center for Turbulence Research, Stanford (2014).
  •  A. Vié, B. Franzelli,  M. Ihme, B. Fiorina, N. Darabiha, On the description of spray flame structure in a mixture fraction space, Annual Research Briefs, Center for Turbulence Research, Stanford (2013).


Three results